We all know our vehicles need a regular service or preventive maintenance scheduled from time to time to ensure a safe and hassle-free driving experience. However, you should also know that an auto tune-up is equally significant to ensure efficient engine performance.  

While preventive maintenance includes a full vehicle inspection, the basic service involved in an auto tune-up is to replace the spark plugs and make other adjustments to make the engine perform better. But how do you identify whether to get a tune-up or to request a preventive maintenance service? Well, this blog will help you identify the signs your vehicle makes to determine which service you need. 




If you face trouble while starting your car, your car is stalling or you notice a decrease in fuel mileage- you need a tune-up service and get the spark plugs replaced. But before concluding on whether the problem is with the spark plugs, a tune-up check is conducted. Your mechanic will recommend getting an engine performance analysis to see where the problem lies. To check the engine condition, these elements are checked;

  • Battery voltage 
  • Power balance (to check for leaky valves, etc.)
  • Code retrieval 
  • Exhaust emissions, engine vacuum
  • Idle speed, idle mixture, and ignition timing 

If there are no major faults detected in the tune-up check, you should still consider replacing the spark plugs, rotors, oxygen sensors, air and fuel filters.


Regular service


Regular service or preventive maintenance is getting a check-up done to make sure all parts are performing smoothly. The manufacturers of your car designed a service schedule to ensure a safe riding experience for you. You can either depend on your owner’s manual or ask an auto-technician to know the scheduled preventive maintenance for your car. You could choose to have one of these services:

  1. Oil and filter change: An important part of a service that helps your car to run smoothly and increase fuel efficiency.
  2. Basic or interim service: it includes oil and filter change, a visual inspection of your vehicle components, and refill of all the fluids in the engine. This is to ensure your car is a good condition and also to detect any additional work your car may need.  
  3. Seasonal service special: It includes all the above-mentioned service work and also a full vehicle inspection which includes examining your vehicle’s safety components.


Bottom line:

The basic difference is that a tune-up usually involves treating only the things that affect your engine’s performance- plugs, valves, fuel, and air supply. While a service depends on mileage and involves almost any component of your vehicle and an oil change at a minimum.